A Personal Journey into the Social Media Fast

Before I begin... I'll preface that I'm going to share beautiful photos on this blog post.. to help recalibrate your nervous system to REST, since you're here reading this on a phone or on your computer *wink*.
I'd like to share a personal anecdote that highlights the transformative power of a social media fast. A few weeks ago, I found myself overwhelmed with the demands the responsibilities of family life, wanting to put time and energy into a new job, and the pursuit of turning a beloved hobby into a lifelong career. It seemed like I was spinning too many plates, and I was on the verge of dropping them all.
The hours I spent scrolling through social media, while seemingly harmless, were taking a significant chunk of my time, energy, and attention. I was spending more time consuming the highlight reels of others' lives than focusing on my own. So, I decided to embark on a social media fast. The goal was to create space for my family, my new job, and my aspiring career.
The first few days were challenging, as I was confronted with the unconscious habit of reaching for my phone during quiet moments, waiting times, or even amid conversations. But as I persisted, I started noticing subtle shifts.

Without the distraction of social media, I found myself becoming more present and engaged in my daily life. Family dinners were filled with deeper conversations and shared laughter, rather than the usual distracted, fragmented chats. The newfound focus allowed me to excel at my new job, bringing fresh ideas to the table and making meaningful contributions. I was able to make better use of my time, which resulted in significantly reduced stress levels.
But perhaps the most rewarding aspect was the progress I made with my hobby, which is publishing. With the extra hours reclaimed from social media, I was able to immerse myself in the process of creating books, improving my skills, and even starting a business and learning the publishing ropes from the ground up in a sustainable way. My hobby is turning into a career, and it is incredibly fulfilling.
The joys and rewards that came from this newfound space were manifold. In essence, the social media fast enabled me to recalibrate my priorities, cultivate deeper connections, and pursue my passion with a vigour I didn't know I had.
In conclusion, a social media fast is much more than a break from social media. It's an opportunity to reassess our priorities, cultivate mindful habits, and ultimately lead a more engaged and fulfilling life. It's about reclaiming our time and focus, and directing them towards what truly matters to us.
The digital world is a fascinating realm, a vibrant landscape filled with endless information and connections at our fingertips. It's an incredible tool, an asset, a virtual gathering space that can bring people together from every corner of the world. Yet, it can also be a potential source of stress, anxiety, and distraction, capable of dysregulating our nervous system. This is where the concept of a social media fast, or detox, comes into play.

Understanding Social Media and Our Nervous System
Research over the years has started to unfold the complex relationship between social media use and our nervous system. A study published in the "Journal of Behavioral Addictions" in 2017 observed that heavy social media use was linked to increased stress and anxiety. This dysregulation is primarily due to the constant barrage of information and stimuli that the brain is forced to process, causing a state of hyperarousal in our nervous system.
Moreover, findings from a 2019 study in "Current Psychology" indicated that excessive social media usage can lead to symptoms similar to those seen in substance addiction, including mood modification, withdrawal, conflict, and relapse. The researchers suggested that the constant connectivity to social media platforms might lead to a state of chronic stress, consequently dysregulating our nervous system.
The Social Media Fast: A Mental Cleanse
Just as we need to fast or cleanse our bodies from time to time, our minds too require a detox, particularly from the sensory overload that social media often provides. A social media fast isn't merely a break; it's a conscious step towards self-care and mental well-being. It is an opportunity to break free from unconscious patterns that have been running on autopilot, hijacking our attention and energy.
A social media fast helps us unplug from the digital noise and reconnect with our inner selves and the world around us. It allows us to reset our focus, regain control over our time, and rekindle our real-life relationships. Furthermore, it gives our nervous system a much-needed break to restore its balance and regain its natural rhythm.
Regulating Our Time on Social Media
While a social media fast provides numerous benefits, it's also important to acknowledge that social media has become an integral part of our lives. Therefore, regulating our time on social media is a more realistic and sustainable approach for most of us.
Here are some ways to accomplish this:
Set Clear Boundaries: Decide on specific times for social media use and stick to them. Avoid scrolling first thing in the morning and right before bed.
Quality over Quantity: Focus on meaningful interactions rather than the number of posts or the time spent on the platforms.
Mindful Scrolling: Be conscious of your actions and reactions while using social media. Pause, reflect, and question your impulses to share, comment, or like a post.

Helpful Tools for Social Media Regulation
Today, several apps and digital tools can help us manage our time on social media more efficiently. Apps like Freedom, Offtime, and StayFocusd allow users to block distracting websites or apps for specified periods. Likewise, RescueTime provides insights into your daily digital habits, helping you understand and optimize your screen time.
Furthermore, most social media platforms now have built-in features to help users monitor and manage their time. Instagram's "Your Activity" and Facebook's "Your Time on Facebook" features provide daily average data about your usage and allow you to set daily reminders to take a break.
In the age of constant connectivity, a social media fast can act as a powerful reset button, offering a fresh perspective on our digital habits. While it's not necessary or even practical for everyone to completely abstain from social media, incorporating mindful practices and regular digital detoxes can significantly improve our mental health and overall well-being.
Remember, the goal is not to vilify social media or technology. They are tools, and like any tool, their value lies in how we use them. The digital world is indeed a remarkable place, but so is the physical world around us. It’s about finding the right balance between the two, to live and interact in a way that fuels our growth and happiness.
Ultimately, a social media fast provides a window into our digital habits, revealing patterns we might have been oblivious to. By stepping back, we can objectively evaluate these habits and decide whether they serve our best interests. It's an invitation to break free from the automatic scrolling and constant checking, to pause and reflect, to disconnect from the noise and reconnect with ourselves.
As poet and philosopher Henry David Thoreau wisely said, "It's not enough to be busy, so are the ants. The question is, what are we busy about?" In the context of social media, we might ask ourselves, are we simply busy scrolling, or are we truly engaged in meaningful, fulfilling interactions?
The choice, as always, is ours. And a social media fast might be the first step towards making that choice with more awareness, intention, and care.
